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Acupuncture in Alexandria, VA

Healing through Acupuncture

Acupuncture, a time-honored practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine, possesses a wealth of health benefits that make it a sought after holistic therapy. As an acupuncturist I offer a gentle caring approach to your health and well being, addressing not just persistent physical pain such as Migraine headaches, back pain, joint pains, abdominal pain and menstrual pain, just to name a few, but also supporting your mental, emotional well being and helping with stress management. Through the strategic placement of needles, acupuncture helps rebalance your energy, providing relief that extends beyond the surface. Along with acupuncture, I also use cupping and electric stimulation as needed to help facilitate your healing. 

I treat one person at a time so you will have the undivided, unhurried complete attention you deserve.  I am honored by my patients with their trust in me to help them in their healing process. 

My office is in a holistic practice that includes Chiropractic, Massage, Nutritional Counseling, Therapy and a Western Medical doctor. It is conveniently located in the North end of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia with easy access from Del Ray, Potomac Yards and Pentagon City.

Drug Free Holistic Treatment

Acupuncture can address PMS symptoms naturally, without medication, by restoring balance and harmony, both physically and emotionally.

Acupuncture is a time-tested, safe, effective, natural and drug-free way to eliminate pain.

Acupuncture helps to reduce stress, ultimately encouraging and supporting a greater sense of well-being and balance

By itself or in combination with Western medical treatment, acupuncture provides highly effective treatment for many common complaints. There are those who try acupuncture as a “last resort” for serious and complex medical problems and find that it can help them when other treatments could not. And there are those who use acupuncture as preventative medicine and receive treatments a few times per year for a “tune up” to prevent diseases, promote health and manage stress.

Come experience natural care for:

Whatever your complaint you may come to see me for, my objective is two-fold: to re-balance your body’s energy and to bring relief of your ailments. At first treatments are scheduled once a week, or twice a week if you are in extreme pain or discomfort. As your condition improves, visits become less frequent.  If you’ve been injured in an accident or had a fall recently you may only need a few treatments to feel better. If you are suffering from a condition you have had for some time it may take consistent treatments over a course of time to resolve the issue, though you should feel increasingly better along the way. 

Annette Lane L.Ac. Inc.
1240 North Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 683-6810
9am - 4:15pm
9:30am - 5pm
9am - 4:15pm
9am - 4:15pm
*By appointment only

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(703) 683-6810 Directions Contact/Schedule